Accessible Teaching Content

The following resources reflect recommended practices for creating accessible content for your courses.

Accessible Content Fundamentals 

Body Text

Choose large, sans-serifs fonts. Size can be greater than 12 pt. for documents and 18 pt. for presentations.

Styles and Headings

One Title, each section is Heading 1, subsections are H2, H3 if needed.

Colour Contrast

Use contrasting colours to make text and design more readable. Recommended colours include black, white, dark blue and orange.


Embed the link in a word, never paste in the URL. Avoid using words like “click this link” – use a phrase that tells where the link takes you.


Add alt-text to images and media, and use the layout button to position it inline, square, or top and bottom.


Use a header row and make it read left to right. Avoid merged or split cells. Use banded rows to make them more visually “readable.”


Embed videos or add hyperlinks in resources. Ensure closed-captioning is viewable.

Accessibility checker

These are typically built into software. Run it at the end to double check if accessible requirements have been met.

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