Supporting Student Well-Being

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

This teaching tip was prepared by Conestoga College’s Student Success Services team.

Supporting Student Mental Health

The Centre for Innovation in Campus Mental Health has prepared a useful list of ideas on how you can can support students’ well-beings.

Conestoga’s Student Success Services offers online support, and we encourage faculty to promote these services to students. Reminding students of free, online wellness and learning services at the beginning of a course may help connect students to required supports preemptively.

Students can still access wellness support when not on campus by:

A friendly teacher holding up a paper with a gold star on it
Image created by Tate Cooper for Student Success Services.

Making a Student Referral

Additionally, you may develop a particular concern or feeling that a student may need additional academic or wellness supports. In this case, please use the Faculty Student Referral Form. This form is received by Conestoga’s Student Success Advisors, who are able to help evaluate student needs and make direct referrals to and appointments with support services.

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