Pathway – Preparing For your First Lesson

Reading Time: < 1 minute

This learning path aims to inform and support you as you prepare to teach your first lesson.

What’s Next?

Before the first lesson

For resources on what to do before the first lesson, regardless of whether you are teaching in-person, online synchronously, or asynchronously, check out these hub posts:

Lesson planning

To learn more about lesson planning for in-person, synchronous, and asynchronous teaching, check out the below hub posts:

You may also want to use our fillable BOPPPS lesson plan template to create your lesson plan.

Tech for Teaching

The course you’re teaching may use any of the licensed apps available at Conestoga. Our Tech for Teaching team has compiled support resources to help you prepare to teach using any one of the licensed apps available.

Planning for the first weeks of class

Learn more about Welcoming First Semester Students and What To Do in the First Weeks of Class.

We welcome your feedback on this pathway

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Sara Kafashan

Sara Kafashan, PhD, has worked in post-secondary education since 2009. With a Master’s in Neuroscience and Cognitive Applied Sciences and a PhD in Applied Social Psychology, she has prior teaching experience within the field of Social Sciences. Sara brings a lens of equity, diversity, and inclusion, and a focus on wellness strategies, to teaching and learning. She has expertise in inclusive and accessible educational practices, including curriculum development, resource creation, and engagement with various campus stakeholders.