July 16, 2021 Review and Reflection and how to Assess Them: Part 1 Reading Time: 6 minutes In part 1 of a two-part teaching tip on assessing the professional skills of reflection/review, reflection is defined and explained in a historical context. Categories Assessing Learning/Creating Assessments/Lesson and Course Planning/Teaching
June 23, 2021 Creating an Extra Loop in Assignments to Scaffold Students and Their Learning Reading Time: 2 minutes This teaching tip explores the value of having students submit an assignment to further their achievement of the learning outcomes and to scaffold their ability... Categories Assessing Learning/Giving Feedback/Rubrics and Marking/Student Focused Assessment/Teaching
April 26, 2021 Rubric Items and Riders Reading Time: 3 minutes Checklist and Statements for Ensuring Academic Integrity (AI) in Submissions Statements around academic integrity share clear expectations with students. You can use the points below... Categories Assessing Learning/Group Work/Teaching
April 20, 2021 Creating Clarity in Assignment Descriptions Reading Time: 2 minutes This teaching tip was prepared by Conestoga College’s Library Services department. Help your students to understand their assignments and get started sooner by clearly defining... Categories Assessing Learning/Creating Assessments/Library Services
April 13, 2021 Marking Dilemmas Reading Time: 5 minutes During challenging times, how should we proceed with grading in order to balance academic rigour and fairness with care and understanding for our students? This teaching tip helps you to manage a number of marking dilemmas you may experience. Categories Assessing Learning/Assessment Challenges/Rubrics and Marking/Teaching
March 31, 2021 Working With Mark Pushback and Course Concerns from Students Reading Time: 4 minutes Thoughts by Kathryn Brillinger on the challenges of ensuring clarity on expectations and building rapport with online and remote students, and suggestions for responding to students who push back on the marks they receive. Categories Assessing Learning/Assessment Challenges/Online Synchronous/Rubrics and Marking/Teaching
January 18, 2021 Exam Proctoring in Zoom Reading Time: 3 minutes Advice for proctoring live online exams and tests using ID checking strategies Categories Assessing Learning/Online Asynchronous/Online Synchronous/Rubrics and Marking
November 24, 2020 Test Preparation: Providing Guidance for Students Taking Tests Reading Time: 4 minutes Exams can be stressful, especially now. Here are some suggestions for setting clear yet welcoming guidelines for for your students to follow. Categories Assessing Learning/Online Asynchronous/Online Synchronous/Teaching
September 21, 2020 Evaluating Professionalism in College Courses Reading Time: 2 minutes This post was collaboratively written by Nancy Nelson and Joel Beaupré, Teaching and Learning Consultants Background Many college educators aspire to teach, reinforce, and assess professionalism in their courses, though they... Categories Assessing Learning/Creating Assessments/Teaching
June 3, 2020 Providing Feedback in an Online Environment Reading Time: 3 minutes We in Teaching and Learning share the commitment to find ways to enact the aspects of the Evaluation of Student Learning Procedure through thoughtful planning for each learning... Categories Assessing Learning/Online Asynchronous/Online Synchronous