Accessible Board Work

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

Be sure that your board work is accessible to all students. The following tips will help you create clear and legible board writing.

Joel Beaupre, Teaching and Learning consultant, standing in front of a whiteboard with black text and accentuations using contrasting colours and shapes.
Teaching and Learning Consultant Joel Beaupre with an example of accessible and legible board work.
  • Use thick black or blue whiteboard markers.
  • Write in large print letters (at least 3 inches in height). Avoid cursive or block print (i.e., only using uppercase letters).
  • When colour coding, use blue and orange colours, and use a second indicator, like a shape, in case of extreme colour blindness.

Walk to the back of the classroom and check that the contrast of your marker, the neatness of your printing, and size of your letters/numbers are visible from all seats.

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