Effective presentations are a strong cornerstone of teaching practice. Well designed and well thought presentations form strong mnemonic connections for learners, and act as an experiential guide through conceptual frameworks.
Best Practices
- Free yourself from the podium. Consider using a presentation clicker or a stylus pen to move forward in a presentation.
- Alternatively, try using the interactive projector or connecting your Surface or tablet to the projector wirelessly.
- Engage your audience in the conversation. Use polling tools to make presentations interactive and inclusive.
- Practice “active lecturing.” Use active learning strategies peppered with periods of presenting.
- Bring in variety. PowerPoint has been around for a while, but there’s no need to rely solely on it. Try out some of the suggested apps below.
Teaching Tips
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Clark, Jennifer. (2008) PowerPoint and Pedagogy: Maintaining Student Interest in University Lectures. College Teaching, 56(1).
Holstead, Jenell. (2015) The Impact of Slide-Construction in PowerPoint: Student Performance and Preferences in an Upper-Level Human Development Course Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 1(4).
Inoue-Smith, Yukiko. (2016). College Based Case Studies in Using PPT Effectively. Cogent Education,3. doi:10.1080/2331186X.2015.1127745
Mehta, Maulin, Sandeep Adwal and Ashutosh Chourishi. (2017) Evaluation of different teaching-learning methods according to students’ preference and perception. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology. 6.1
Fratto, Victoria A. (2011) Enhance student learning with PowerPoint games: using twenty questions to promote active learning in managerial accounting. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education. 7(2).
Swati, Betharia. (2016). Combining Chalk Talk with PowerPoint to Increase In-class Student Engagement. INNOVATIONS in Pharmacy, 7(4).