Breaks in the In-Person and Synchronous Online Classroom

Reading Time: 4 minutes

“For each class, faculty will […] [e]nsure breaks occur during the lesson time to support student needs.”

Course Delivery Procedure (January 2021) 

Breaks are time-bound periods in which students stop doing class work to rest and re-focus. Breaks should be given for students into all in-person and hybrid courses at least by the 1-hour mark of class, or more depending on the contexts and length of your lesson.


An overwhelmed mind tends to wander.

– Joe Kim, Education and Cognition Lab

Breaks are restorative, both mentally and physically. There are many student benefits to structuring breaks into class lesson time. These include increased attention, decreased stress, and boosts in brain functioning. Evidence examined by Immordino-Yang, Christodoulou, & Singh (2012) suggested that resting the brain is associated with improving mental health and cognitive abilities. Breaks also reduce physical and cognitive ergonomics issues associated with sitting and repetitive tasks (Middlesworth, n.d.). Finally, during online synchronous learning, free and structured breaks can lessen the negative impact of Zoom Fatigue

As well, for unionized Conestoga faculty the teaching contact hour includes a 50-minute block plus a break of up to 10 minutes (11.01C). 

See below for more on the different types of breaks for in your class, tips for delivering different break types, and the benefits these breaks provide to students.

Free (Unstructured) Breaks 

Free breaks allow students to decide how to use their time between lesson content and class activities. Breaks after 1 hour of lesson time should not be skipped, even if some students mention not needing a break. Breaks after 1 hour of lesson time should be free/unstructured breaks.

Tips on Providing a Free Break 

  • Let students know in the agenda at the beginning of the class that you will be giving a break (if the agenda is on the board then students will know when the break is coming)
  • Set a time period between 3-10 minutes and indicate orally the time to return
  • Invite students to refresh themselves with a walk or a stretch, or to get some more water 
  • Ask students to do their best to return on time, and enter the room quietly if they are late 
  • Let students know what you will plan to do right after the break (and plan something they will not want to miss!)
  • If online synchronous: give instructions to students to be back 1-minute before class resumes, and place the time to return in the text chat or set a countdown timer

The break time is for your benefit as well, so make sure you give yourself enough time during for some rest and refocus. 

Bringing Students Back From Break 

Here are some ideas for encouraging students to come back from a break. Regardless of the strategy, it is always a good idea to make explicit to students before break time the importance of attending all of the scheduled class. 

  • Build in time in a breakout activity just prior to the break that, in case students finish their work early, they can have additional break time 
  • Share music during a break, then stop 1 minute before resuming. Note that music must be appropriately licensed to re-broadcast for non-educational purposes). See Conestoga Library’s document Teaching With Zoom for more information. 
  • Announce that you are taking attendance after the break (it is a good idea to take attendance more than once/in more than one way) 
  • Plan a short but fun after-break transition activity that students will enjoy 
  • If synchronous online: ask participants to raise their digital hand when they are back and ready to continue, and turn on your camera to make it clear class is resuming 

Class should resume on time; let late should re-enter quietly. You should never prevent students from rejoining a class unless there is a safety issue.

Structured in-Class Breaks 

Short breaks during class time can be beneficial as well. These structured breaks should be given in addition to unstructured breaks.

The best kind of structured breaks are those that feel different from work. Timing may be best for these kinds of breaks as a transition between class activities or between long periods of focus. 

Structured breaks should not take more than a few minutes of class time. They should not replace lesson delivery and active learning time. It is important to clarify for students why you are providing an in-class break for their benefit and their learning.

As well, students should be comfortable in any structured break activities, and they should always be able to opt out at any time.

Stretch break 

Breaks that include physical movement are beneficial after periods of sitting. At the K-12 school level, research suggests that physical activity breaks led to an increase in effort students put into activities and an increase in their ability to stay on task (Howie, Beets, & Pate, 2014). 

Stretch breaks can be done for 1 or 2 minutes together in class. If you are online, you can invite students to turn cameras off or on, and be sure to pause the recording). You can invite students for a 2-minute walk around the room or outside. 

See 17 Stretch Breaks for some simple stretching ideas. Note that students should not be encouraged to stretch past what feels good and safe for them, and that they should check in with themselves. 

Mindfulness or gratitude breaks 

Mindfulness breaks are about becoming more aware of what you are doing in the moment (Mindful staff, 2020). They can include breathing methods guided imagery, breathing regulation, and other simple activities. These breaks promote calm and focus. They may be beneficial after a period of intense study or work or before a summative evaluation, such as an exam.

Here are some mindfulness breaks that can be facilitated during in-person or synchronous classes: 

What are your tips for effective breaks during class? Join the Teaching @ Conestoga Teams community and share your ideas! 


Howie, E.K., Beets, M., Pate, R. (2014). Acute classroom exercise breaks improve on-task behavior in 4th and 5th grade students: A dose–response. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 7(2). 65-71.

Immordino-Yang M.H., Christodoulou J.A., & Singh V. (2012). Rest Is Not Idleness: Implications of the Brain’s Default Mode for Human Development and Education. Perspectives on Psychological Science,7(4):352-364. doi:10.1177/1745691612447308 

Middlesworth, M. (n.d.) Ergonomics 101: The Definition, Domains, and Applications of Ergonomics. 

Mindful staff (2020). What is mindfulness? 

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Elan Paulson

Elan Paulson, PhD, has been an educator in Ontario's higher education system since 2004. Before joining Conestoga as a Teaching and Learning Consultant, Elan was on the executive team at eCampusOntario. She previously served as Program Director and as an instructor in professional education programs at Western University's Faculty of Education. With a Master's in Educational Technology, Elan specializes in technology-enabled and collaborative learning to support diverse learners. She has also conducted research on faculty participation in communities of practice for professional learning and self-care.