The Aubrey Hagar Distinguished Teaching Award

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Aubrey Hagar

Aubrey Hagar had a passion for education and learning, and this was evident throughout his personal and professional life. Aubrey’s professional career included contributions to Canadian Industries Limited, the University of Guelph, Campus Co-operative, Conestoga College, and Wellington County School Board, as well as many volunteer and community organizations. He was respected and admired by all who knew him for his roles as a leader, innovator, mentor, teacher and counsellor. To quote Aubrey, he was “motivated by love and guided by reason.”

When it came to his professional and personal activities, Aubrey always applied himself to become accomplished and aimed for excellence in all he did. He had a constant thirst for knowledge and never stopped striving to learn more about the world around him. He was a true intellect who enjoyed discussing original, thought-provoking ideas.

In 1988, the Aubrey Hagar Distinguished Teaching Award was established in celebration of Aubrey’s retirement and recognizes a faculty member who has made an outstanding contribution or has taken a leadership role in the teaching and learning process at Conestoga. Conestoga was privileged to honour Aubrey’s memory by presenting this award to distinguished faculties.

Award Selection Criteria

The Aubrey Hagar Distinguished Teaching Award recognizes a faculty member who has made an outstanding contribution to or has taken a leadership role in the teaching-learning process at Conestoga College. The candidates for the award are assessed, and a winner is chosen by other full-time members of the Conestoga College faculty on the Selection Committee.


In order to be considered for the Aubrey Hagar Distinguished Teaching Award, the teacher must be a full-time, non-probationary faculty member at the time of nomination.


Candidates for the award must be nominated by a minimum of four people, at least one of whom is a current, full-time faculty member and at least two of whom must be current or former students. Support staff and administrators are also invited to be part of the nomination process. Candidates must be nominated by four to six people.

Please note that to uphold the integrity and spirit of the award, all nominations must be submitted by colleagues, students, and faculty members of candidates, with self-nominations graciously declined.

Selection Criteria

The successful candidate will have demonstrated an outstanding contribution to or will have taken a leadership role in the teaching-learning process at Conestoga College as demonstrated by the following criteria.

Competence in Learning Design

  • Contributions to new curriculum development
  • Regular and thorough revisions of curriculum to ensure currency of content or to accommodate student learning needs
  • Development of course/program standards, learning outcomes, and standards for evaluation

Innovation and Creativity

  • Use of new and different teaching methodologies to promote student learning
  • Development of innovative teaching materials (learning packages, assignments, supplemental materials, or other aids and strategies to assist student learning)

Integrity and Professionalism

  • Is truthful, fair, trustworthy, and respectful
  • Maintains confidentiality
  • Actively maintains currency in his/her field of expertise
  • Evaluates his/her own performance and constantly seeks to improve
  • Participates in appropriate professional organizations

Leadership in the Promotion of Quality in Education

  • Shares information and materials with colleagues
  • Presents workshops or informal learning opportunities for peers
  • Acts as a mentor to new faculty
  • Is recognized for excellence in his/her discipline
  • Builds effective working relationships with all levels of staff
  • Solves problems, and assists with conflict resolution

Concern for and Sensitivity toward Students

  • Conscientiously and consistently schedules time for students
  • Assiduously addresses student concerns
  • Solicits formal and informal feedback from students
  • Acts as a student advisor
  • Regularly attends and participates in student functions & College events
  • Assists with student extra-curricular activities
  • Assesses and adapts to individual student learning needs and styles

Action as an Ambassador for the College

  • Is knowledgeable concerning College programs and campuses
  • Promotes the College and its activities in the classroom and the community
  • Assists with College events and activities
  • Assists with community projects
  • Participates on College committees and teams

Nomination Information

The deadline to submit all nomination forms, including the Primary and Additional Nominator forms, is extended to Thursday, September 5, 2024, to be considered for the second round of the 2024 Aubrey Hagar award presentation. Nominations are continued to be collected until the final deadline, which has been extended to Monday, Dec. 2, 2024, by 11:55 p.m. EST. This year, three winners will be selected from the three rounds of nomination periods.

This initial nomination form is to be completed by the primary nominator and must be submitted first in order to obtain the link to the additional nominator form. The primary nominator will be responsible for finding at least three (3) additional nominators and ensuring they complete the simplified additional nominator form by the deadline.


If you have any questions, please email Norma McDonald Ewing, Chair of the Aubrey Hagar Distinguished Teaching Award Selection Committee or

Recipients of the Aubrey Hagar Distinguished Teaching Award

1988Bruce BjorkquistNursing/Academic Support
1989Sue JohnstoneHealth Sciences
1990Donal CavanaughBusiness
1991Patricia (Strachan) CaldwellHealth Sciences
1992Raja VaidyanathanEngineering Technology
1993Norm SochaTrades & Apprenticeship
1994John ScottBusiness
1995Debby Stone-ZukowskiEarly Childhood Education
1996Arden MertzConstruction Engineering Technology
1997Alix McGregorHealth Sciences
1998Bev WalkerAccess
1999Maureen NummelinBusiness
2000Greg BurnsHealth Sciences & Community Service
2001Paul LatourAcademic Support & Preparatory Studies
2002Tony KattenhornEngineering Technology
2003Nancy NelsonEngineering Technology
2004Marlene ZisterNursing
2005Tisha TaylorEarly Childhood Education
2006Geoff JohnstoneLiberal Studies
2007Peter FindlayWoodworking
2008Norma McDonald EwingRecreation Leadership
2009Mary CarleyNursing
2010Steve KupinaBusiness and Hospitality
2011Ignac KolenkoEngineering & Information Technology
2012Jim GallowayEngineering & Information Technology
2013Pat LeicesterBusiness and Hospitality
2014Tom BishopMedia & Design
2015Stephen HummelSchool of Business and Hospitality
2016Mary Elizabeth RothHealth & Life Sciences
2017Pam HallHealth & Life Sciences
2018Justin St-MauriceHealth & Life Sciences
2019Carlo SgroApplied Computer Science & Information Technology
2021Cathy EganHealth & Life Sciences
2022Lisa-Anne HagermanHealth & Life Sciences
2023Debashis DuttaCommunity Services
2023Gino De PintoHealth & Life Sciences
2024Kyle ChristieCreative Industries
2024Estatira ShirkhodaeeBusiness
2024Karl WeissHealth & Life Sciences

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