Searching for AI and Teaching Information 

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This post shares search ideas for searching for AI information and resources provided by your faculty colleagues. 

How Faculty are Searching

You may wish to search for information using these strategies. Note that as information is continuously published on AI, vetting the “academic credibility” (Leutwyler, 2000) of the source is critical.

Search by AI target user group

In 2022, Holmes and Tuomi provided a taxonomy of types of artificial intelligence in learning and education (AIED). It can be useful to search by user group or purpose.

  • Student-focused AIED: AI-assisted apps, AI-assisted simulations, AI to support learners with disabilities, automatic essay writing, chatbots, dialogue-based tutoring systems 
  • Teacher-focused AIED: Plagiarism detection, curation of learning materials, classroom monitoring, AI teaching and assessment assistants 
  • Institution-focused AEID: Admissions (student selection), course scheduling and timetabling, security, identifying at-risk students, and eProctoring. 

Only a year later, in 2023, publicly available “Chatbots” perform the tasks and functions of many of these systems. However, specific tools continue to be developed to target and support different groups in education. 

Search by teaching and learning goals

Many faculty are discovering there are various emerging areas of generative AI learning for students. You may be focused on building AI literacy skills, developing strategies to teach with AI, obtaining information about AI use in your industry or field, or exploring innovations in AI as the subject of your field.

AI Literacy​

AI knowledge, skill, and ethics outcomes​

Teaching about AI use​

AI for Learning ​

Means to achieve non-AI outcomes ​

Teaching with AI​

AI for Industry​

Industry standard knowledge and skills for field-specific areas ​

Teaching for AI use​

AI for Subject Knowledge​

Develop, improve, innovate, and integrate AI​

Teaching on AI use
4 Dimensions of Generative AI Learning

When you search, focus on finding information related to one goal in teaching and learning with genAI.

Search by instructional strategies 

Generative AI is a new layer to consider on existing instructional strategies, so you may wish to integrate pedagogical concepts into your searches to find ideas for the types of learning activities you will use in your classes.  

  • Direct: How can genAI support the creation of lecture content, demonstrations, instructions, overviews, and questions 
  • Indirect: How can genAI guide and assist learners with brainstorming, mapping, organizing, case and scenario learning, discussion 
  • Interactive: How can genAI provide technological enhancement to share perspectives and opinions, analyze and synthesize information, and solve problems, especially in small groups 
  • Experiential: How can genAI support students who are learning by doing, such as engaging in simulation, roleplay, AR/VR, field observations, and hands-on practice with design and tools 
  • Independent: How can genAI provide support for learning, including building reflection skills and fostering self-using creative designs, including not only writing but also multi-media development 

Where Faculty Are Searching

From the workshop “AI in Education – Who We’re Watching” (EDV0143), faculty shared resources they use to keep informed about AI as it relates to their teaching, their industries, and their AI literacy. See the tables below (organized by information source type), and select the links to access the source.

Academic / Education Websites

 University of Sydney AI in Education AI literacy resource by students for students 
Embracing Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom (Harvard)Why it is important to embrace AI 
Generative AI & Your Course | Teaching + Learning Lab ( (MIT)High-level overview of how to integrate AI into modern course design. 
Caltech – Artificial Intelligence (CalTech)Caltech is reputable and the site has lots of good background knowledge and likely kept current 
Uses of AI Chatbots in Education – Faculty Learning Hub ( (Conestoga)Important to know how AI Chatbots are used in our Industry. This article will break it down on an institutional level, student level and faculty level.  
Teaching and Learning (Conestoga) – Faculty Learning Hub posts on generative AI Posts on how to decide what is permissable or not permissable, how to talk to students about AI usage in class, how to manage suspected academic misconduct due to AI use, etc.) 
Academic/Education websites – links and recommendations

Government and Statistics Resources

UNESCOAdhoc updates directly tied to education VS AI in business/personal use 
US Dept of Education (office of Ed Tech) Adhoc updates directly tied to education VS AI in business/personal use 
The state of AI in 2023: Generative AI’s breakout year | McKinseyCredible Source that provides statistics on the usage of AI across various demographics
Academic/Education Articles and Blogs – links and recommendations

ListServs and Newsletters

Ben’s Bites Daily AI product launch and news 
AI x Education Curating the latest AI advancements in education into digestible insights, this blog empowers educators and administrators by demystifying AI and inspiring innovative teaching and learning strategies for the AI era.
TLDR AIGet our free, daily newsletter with the latest in AI, machine learning, and data science
Dr Phil’s Newsletter (different Dr. Phil!) connecting the science of learning & AI with the art of learning experience design
List servs and newsletters – links and recommendations

News and Magazine Sources

ResourceDescription/Notes (tag Artificial Intelligence) Articles focused on AI
2 in 5 workers ‘overwhelmed’ by changes from AI | Canadian HR Reporter Almost 40% of workers globally feel overwhelmed by the changes AI can make in their professions/fields.
Artificial intelligence will improve medical treatments Highlights the future of AI in the health sector  
Wikipedia Generative artificial intelligence  Accessible history of genAI that is frequently updated
Artificial intelligence will improve medical treatments (The Economist)Highlights the future of AI in the health sector  
Globe and Mail – Europe reaches a deal on the world’s first comprehensive AI rules Innovations in rules and regulations at the national level 
Think twice before using ChatGPT for help with homework ( The article talks about how AI bot can make mistakes and other pitfalls. 
News and magazine sources – links and recommendations


Economist Podcasts (By The Economist), Accidental Tech Podcast (former CEO of Tumblr, created Instapaper) Not exclusively AI, but AI comes up very regularly along with other useful information. Available on any podcast service for free. Very useful if you’re commuting to class! 
The AI Podcast Noah Kravitz brings in tech experts from Google, Deloitte, Oracle, etc bringing in an industry perspective along with success stories related to AI. Well-rounded episodes on how entrepreneurs and change makers are utilizing AI.  
Talking machines This a podcast hosted by Katherine Gorman and Neil Lawrence. The objective of this show is to bring you clear conversations with experts in the field of machine learning, insightful discussions of industry news, and useful answers to your questions.
Podcasts – tools and recommendations

Social Media Follows

“Ethan Mollick”Faculty at the University of Pennsylvania. Author and thought leader on AI in education. 
@XAI and @Open AI on Twitter/XAI tools connected with LinkedIn Learning, Udemy for additional support 
LinkedIn News AI Research News Updates include topics like machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, reinforcement learning, data science, NLP 
“Kooshiar Azimian” He is the CEO of some AI-based Startups and a well-known researcher
Follow Patrick C. Egbunonu, MBAView Patrick C. Egbunonu, MBA’s profile Thought Leader in AI – St. Lawrence College
Darren Coxon, Matt Esterman, Leon Furze, Matthew Wemyss, Leon Furze, Dan Fitzpatrick Thought leaders on LinkedIn
FacebookTeaching & Learning with ChatGPT (and AI) 
AI Resources for Teachers & Educators 
Social media thought leaders – links and recommendations

Technology/Industry Blogs

Artificial intelligence – IBM Blog Website with regular news updates about AI innovation at IBM 
HackerOne Gen AI Security predictions 
Microsoft Help Centre AI for EducationProvides tools specific to tech
Khanmigo Education AI Guide | Khan Academy Future of Learning according to Khan Academy 
Gartner – Experts Answer the Top Generative AI Questions for Your EnterpriseIronically, I found this through one of my students; however, I do find that it gives a good overview.  
Ben’s Bites Daily AI product launch and news 
Technology/Industry – links and recommendations

Tutorials about AI

Explained: Generative AI | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology Available through the library – comprehensive and multimedia 
Google cloud Generative AI Workshops Different use cases that are helpful from a range of different fields 
LinkedIn Learning – Learn about AISign in for FREE access through Conestoga Library 
How to Learn AI From Scratch in 2024: A Complete Guide From the Experts Provides 10 top tools that can be utilised in education, tools responding to certain needs of education, but also explains how each would be useful and effective. OpenAi’s website. Provides primary information, how-to’s, and updates on the company’s products like ChatGPT and DALL-E. (It also has a direct link to sign up for ChatGPT
How to Learn AI (Data Camp)I am in my AI learning curve so I look for every possible learning tools and platform 
Tutorials – links and recommendations

Uses for AI/AI Tools

GPT Zero Read the privacy piece. Caution: Do not post the whole essay by students.
AirHint Predicts air ticket price trends as an example of AI Technology in the transportation industry 
 Ask Chat Bing itself about updates/ LinkedIn NewsUsing AI resources to curate new information about AI resources 
Descript – Descript – – A website offering tools and services for creating, editing, and sharing audio and video content. When I need to record a supplementary content, I use it to edit. Especially ‘Filler words’, like ummm, ahhh…so that my content is crisp and I don’t need to spend too much editing the content. 
10 Best AI Tools for Education (2023) – Unite.AI A blog post on ideas for teaching with AI. Part of OpenAI’s blog series
Teaching with Open AISuggestions for teaching with ChatGPT chatbot
AI Tools Directory (Microsoft)Provide descriptions for different AI tools.  
The second link is the Microsoft workshop site. These workshops are free. I like the AI series such as the Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals: AI Overview would be very useful for either students or faculties. 
AI Tools and uses – links and recommendations

Thank you to all of the faculty who contributed to this list! – Elan

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Elan Paulson

Elan Paulson, PhD, has been an educator in Ontario's higher education system since 2004. Before joining Conestoga as a Teaching and Learning Consultant, Elan was on the executive team at eCampusOntario. She previously served as Program Director and as an instructor in professional education programs at Western University's Faculty of Education. With a Master's in Educational Technology, Elan specializes in technology-enabled and collaborative learning to support diverse learners. She has also conducted research on faculty participation in communities of practice for professional learning and self-care.