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Teaching and Learning Awards 2023

A group of professionals meet around a table
We invite you to participate in the second annual competition of the Conestoga Faculty Innovation Award and the Conestoga Faculty Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL) Award.

The competition is open to all College faculty who wish to share their innovative teaching and/or teaching research practices with the wider College community.  The Conestoga Faculty Innovation Award will focus this year on diversity. The Conestoga Faculty Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL) Award focus will be shared early in the new year. Read on for details and instructions to submit an entry for each award.

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The Aubrey Hagar Distinguished Teaching Award

In 1988, the Aubrey Hagar Distinguished Teaching Award was established to recognize a faculty member who has made an outstanding contribution or has taken a leadership role in the teaching and learning process at Conestoga.

Annual Faculty Innovation Awards

In keeping with the themes of growth and diversity, this year’s competition focuses on indigenizing and/or internationalizing teaching practices within specific teaching contexts. 

Annual Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL) Awards

Conestoga faculty are invited to submit an entry for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL) Award. The 2023 competition focuses on either action or formal research with a focus to be announced in the new year. 

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