About myWellness Supports

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Post contributed by Student Success Services

Students currently living in Ontario* can access the college’s remote medical care and mental health supports to discuss any physical and mental health issues they are experiencing.

Are you concerned for your students’ wellbeing and mental wellness? Would you like to ensure that students are supported throughout their learning journey? Consider encouraging them to access the myWellness supports offered by Student Success Services.

* For legal reasons, college wellness services are only available to students currently living in Ontario.

Services Provided

myWellness provides students with supports on:

  • Counselling and Mental Health
  • Financial stresses
  • Medical concerns and appointments
  • Nutrition
  • Specialist referrals
  • First Aid
  • Sexual health information- pregnancy, birth control, prenatal care, and sexually transmitted infections (STI’s)

Promote myWellness Services to your Students

Learning supports and wellness services can benefit all students. As faculty, students often turn to you first when they are struggling. You have the opportunity to normalize asking for help by sharing information about our services with your entire class. 

Student services are described in a series of promotional postcards. Visit the Promote Remote Services webpage for faculty to access and download an accessible postcard. Share the myWellness Services postcard in your presentations or in your course to help promote services to your students.

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