Why We Wear Orange and Learn on the Land: National Day of Truth and Reconciliation

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Author’s Acknowledgement

This post has been written from the perspective of a first-generation settler, living on the traditional lands of the Attawandaron, Anishinaabek, and Haudenosaunee Peoples, and the treaty lands of the Mississaugas of the Credit in Guelph, Ontario. As an immigrant, I first arrived on the lands of the Blackfoot People of the Canadian Plains, also known as Lethbridge, Alberta. This resource is a work in progress and is by no means exhaustive. My intentions in preparing this post is to take responsibility for my own learning on this topic, and contribute to the decolonization and Indigenization of post-secondary spaces. To amplify and incorporate Indigenous perspectives into this resource, Indigenous voices have informed this post.  

“For Indigenous Peoples, the goal for our land is definitely protection, but it’s also about use. We see ourselves as so integrated with our territory that our protection is tied to our use and our use is tied to our protection. We use the resources on our territory to live.”

Rebecca Adamson, Founder of First Nations Development Institute and First Peoples Worldwide

Indigenizing education begins and ends with the Land and in relationship. Also, decolonizing and indigenizing education takes effortful reflections and intentional learning, especially for settlers on this land. This journey begins with a commitment to learn about the truths in an effort to move towards reconciliation.

Zandra Bear-Lowen, Professor of Indigenous Studies, and Teaching and Learning Consultants, Sara Kafashan, Lauren Spring, and Nasreen Sultana learning on the land together, sharing their braided sweetgrass.

As we all begin our fall semesters, meet our students, start teaching new and old courses, we encourage all Conestoga faculty to commit to their personal journey towards Truth and Reconciliation. Wherever you are in your journey with truth and reconciliation, we have several opportunities for faculty to continue learning.

Learning Opportunities During National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Before we take a look at various learning opportunities, let’s first learn more about the significance of September 30th, National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, as well as a closer look at Phyllis Webstad’s Story to understand why it is called Orange Shirt Day.

See below for other opportunities close to September 30th, 2024 to continue our learning:

  • Check out Conestoga’s Directions Indigenous Arts Festival on September 21st (2-8pm) at Willow River Park/Victoria Park for a free, open, public event to experience various forms of Indigenous art.
  • Visit the Campus Store to purchase an Orange Shirt in support of truth and reconciliation. One hundred percent of proceeds will support Indigenous food security initiatives. Shirts sell for $25+tax and are available in-store only while supplies last. For questions, email bookstore@conestogac.on.ca.
  • National Day for Truth and Reconciliation event – September 30: Indigenous Services and Library & Learning Services will host a collaborative event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. outside the library at the Doon campus. Discover a selection of books by Indigenous authors alongside a collection of Indigenous artifacts and crafts. This unique opportunity will allow participants to delve into Indigenous culture and heritage. The Conestoga community is encouraged to visit, ask questions, and deepen their understanding. No registration required.
  • Every Child Matters Walk: Join The Healing of the Seven Generations at 10am on September 30th, 2024 for a walk to spread awareness and reflect on the tragedies experiences by Indigenous peoples across Turtle Island. Meet at 300 Frederick St, Kitchener. Check out this link for more information.
  • Kitchener Public Library Events: Join the Kitchener Public Library for various events to honor National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Check out this link for more information on events.
  • Lunch & Learns: Hosted by the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, this virtual Lunch & Learn series is open to the public, and aimed at an adult audience. From Sept 23rd until Sept 27th, check out daily webinars to learn more. For more information about this, please visit this link.

Ongoing Learning Opportunities

A commitment to truth and reconciliation necessitates ongoing learning. Below are learning opportunities that are available anytime of the year:

Have you started your journey towards truth and reconciliation? Have other great resources for Conestoga faculty to support their learnings? Share your resources with Dr. Sara Kafashan, Teaching and Learning Consultant, by emailing skafashan@conestogac.on.ca

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Sara Kafashan

Sara Kafashan, PhD, has worked in post-secondary education since 2009. With a Master’s in Neuroscience and Cognitive Applied Sciences and a PhD in Applied Social Psychology, she has prior teaching experience within the field of Social Sciences. Sara brings a lens of equity, diversity, and inclusion, and a focus on wellness strategies, to teaching and learning. She has expertise in inclusive and accessible educational practices, including curriculum development, resource creation, and engagement with various campus stakeholders.